Wednesday, June 8, 2011

What can I do to help you?

For anyone out there that reads my blog, and are wanting to lose weight or change things in your life, I would like to ask, "What can I do to help you?" 

As everyone knows, Kristy has been a huge help with my own personal weight loss, be it through motivation, coaching, or just pushing me to try harder.  It really comes down to wanting to do it for myself, but there is no reason I can't "pay it forward." 

A dear friend of mine had a lot going on in her personal life, and I would just sit and talk, and listen, and ramble with her for hours to try and make things better for her.  She says it was a tremendous help, and she has found ways of coping she never knew before. 

I encourage everyone, if you are having problems, or just get stressed, or need someone to talk to but have no one, sit down, write it all out...get it off your chest.  That's where so many of my blogs have come from.  Not really for the world to read, but somehow in someway maybe something I say will help someone.  I always encourage others to get in touch with me if they need a friend.  I can always listen.  

I have been through a lot, and it has made me a much stronger person, and iin some ways, it has taught me to be a leader for those that need it.  I wish everyone simply the best, and I encourage you all to take control of your life.  Make it what you want it to be, and don't settle for what it is, or what it could be.  Peace and love to you all!

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