Thursday, June 9, 2011

Who is to blame for you being you?

"An excuse becomes an obstacle in your journey to success when it is made in place of your best effort or when it is used as the object of the blame."  
- Bo Bennett

This is a very good quote.  I have encountered many people that want to complain and moan about how terrible life has been to them.  Ya know, the only one to blame is yourself.  There are people that whole heartedly refuse to take any type of credit for their shitty life, and find it easier to blame someone, or something else.  And then there are people who are just having a tough time in life, but they keep on keeping on, and try to make the best of their situation.
I would like to ask, if your life sucks, you're unhappy, you have more "valid" excuses than you have brain cells, when are you gonna do something about it? When are you gonna make a change.  When are you gonna accept responsibility? When are you gonna learn people don't wanna hear your shit anymore? 
If you can't or won't change it, I can't help you.  I probably don't WANT to help you.  And there is most likely no desire to help you!  Not just from me, but from anyone.  Grow up, pull up your big girl panties, deal with life, and MOVE ON! 
It's really not that hard folks!  
If you're not getting the drift yet, blame and excuses are a crock!  Only one person can change your life, can anyone guess who that is? YOU!  But, before you can change anything, you have to admit that there's a problem.  Something to change.  Something to work on.  Only then, can you spin life around on it's ass and kick it into play like a soccer ball.  
It's up to you! Not me! Not your momma! YOU! 
Get it? Got it? GOOD!

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