Thursday, June 2, 2011

Such an Inspiration!

Before and After
As I sat contemplating the topic of this blog, a dear friend of mine of many years came to mind. I met Kristy back in 1995, at which time we were co-workers. The years have come and gone, but we remain in touch. She has always been a "no holds barred" kind of individual, much like myself. Over the past couple of years, Kristy has undergone an amazing transformation.

In August of 2008 she gave birth to her first son. She experienced major complications - Preeclampsia, Pulmonary Edema, and Cardiomyopathy - which in turn led her in a downward spiral towards death. At such a joyous time in life, this can not be a wonderful place to be. With this being said, but not the point of this blog, a series of events began to unfold in Kristy's life.
She signed up to participate in a 5K walk for Preeclampsia. Realizing she was not in the shape to possibly make it all the way through the walk, she began her training. She began walking with her husband in preparation. Soon, she found that she enjoyed the walks and decided to continue taking them. As an added benefit of preparing for the walk she noticed that she was losing weight.
With a few changes in her exercise routine, eating habits, and even in her mentality, Kristy has broken the 100 pounds lost mark, and is currently at 137 lbs lost. 137 POUNDS! That's amazing! While talking to Kristy about this we came to the conclusion that 137 pounds is like a WHOLE young person. She dropped from a 4XL to a XL in clothing. Every time I talk to Kristy, she is riding her bike, going for a walk, working out with various video game programs (Shape Up, The Biggest Loser, Yoga), whatever she can do to keep her body moving. She has even found things she can do while sitting in her car at a red light - really, who cares if people are looking at you

I picked up a few very valid keys from her while talking to her today.

1) Stop making excuses! JUST DO IT!
2) Set an exterior goal, and don't focus on the weight loss.
-Her goal was to make it through the walk
3) Do it for yourself, not for someone else.
4) Educate yourself!
- about the foods you eat, your own personal health, and what you can do for yourself.

We all understand how easy it is to make an excuse - i'm too tired, too busy, i'll do it tomorrow, etc. An excuse is the easy way out. There are millions of them, but how many can you really justify that are worth NOT making yourself a healthier, happier individual? She has many driving factors of her own that inspire and motivate her to keep up the hard work. She has a loving husband and a beautiful child that need her in their life. As if being a wife, and mother of a 2 year old isn't exercise enough, she always makes the time for her bike, her walk, or her various other exercises.

Kristy is a wonderful source of encouragement and inspiration, but she also will not hesitate to challenge your excuses. She believes that ultimately a person will not make a change until they are ready to, they just have to find a driving force behind their personal motivation. She is always willing to do her best to help, advise, and share her own personal triumphs. Looking back through her photos on Facebook, I have to say WOW! She looks like a completely different person.

I would like to encourage everyone to push yourself. Make a change. Do it now! You never know when the time will come, and it's too late. You can't change if you're dead. If weight loss isn't your problem, many of these same tips can be geared towards helping make you a happier, healthier person.

I am also including a few links for you to check out. Kristy approved them and has no problem sharing her story, or trying to help someone start writing their own. As always, I thank you for reading this post, and I hope you have taken something out of it. My love to you all.

And my admiration to you, Kristy. Continue being the strong, motivated woman that you are! As I have told you before, you are Phenomenal, and such an inspiration. And a friend I am fortunate to have been able to hold on to through the years. Love ya girl!

Kristy's Cause -

Kristy's Facebook -!/kristy.olds

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