Sunday, May 29, 2011

When will your reflection show who YOU are inside?

I know this is a bit of a "re-post" blog for me, but I think it is important to convey this message.  After the death of my best friend almost two years ago, I questioned a lot.  Why was he taken away? Why is life so unfair? Why do the good people leave the world and the bad people get to stay? I never found the answers I was looking for, but I did discover something along the way. 

My anger, my hatred, my resentment was turning me into a cold, heartless person. One day I discovered that no matter what life throws at me, I can handle it. I think this is an all too common feeling that a lot of people experience, but they don't know how to handle it. 
It's hard to watch someone so young wither away and go on to the wonderful world beyond. But he taught me an important lesson - I am strong enough to deal with it.  It's all up to me and my attitude towards life.  I can change what I can, I can accept the things I can't change, and I can move on and live a happy, healthy, positive life.

Now, my life reflects the person I am, and who I want to be.  Amidst everything, I found myself again, and discovered that I AM a special person.  I have a lot to offer the world, and those I choose to let be a part of it.  I can help those that need it, and I can help myself.  All it takes is determination, strength, and the willingness to overcome all obstacles.  
I encourage everyone to look inside yourself, find that special person, and set them free.  We all have one, and we deserve to be happy.  No matter what your circumstance, I offer a few words of "wisdom."  Believe me, people will notice the difference!

"No matter how bad things seem, they could always be worse.  No matter how bad you think you have it, someone out there thinks you are very fortunate.  Share your gifts, your life, your love with those that need it."

Thank you for reading the ramblings this time, and if I can ever help YOU, all you have to do is ask. 

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