Saturday, May 28, 2011

199 - My Evil Number - Update #5 - Week 9

So it has been just a little over 2 months since I began my healthier life changes.  I am now within 3 pounds of my goal weight, 175, and it just seems to be teasing me.  Last week I started going to the gym, and I am really enjoying it.  I am hoping to start weight training with my friend Alan next week.  He is brutal, but so worth it.  I am trying to take a week to get myself prepared for him lol. 

I now understand how Kristy feels, inspiring others to change things in their life to make their life better.  I apparently got someone to thinking about things I have said in my blogs, and online posts, and they have now almost lost 30 lbs this month.  That is as much of a reward for me as my own weight loss and changes have been.  

Now I am working on changing people closest to me, and I think it may be working.  My roommate likes to go with me so we can push each other further in our exercises.  It's great that all three of us are now doing the gym thing, trying to eat better, and have our eyes set on a goal.

I also have to give major kudos to my mom, who over the last few months has lost 30 lbs herself.  GO MOM!  I am so proud of you!  I know you feel so much better.  Wish I got to see you more, and I Love You!

Most of all, I still have to give a shout out to my mentor and master trainer, Kristy!  You are rockin it girl, and making changes happen all over the place.  I still look forward to climbing Stone Mountain with you and Drew.

Alright folks, I am off to get ready for a Luau party.  Should be lots of fun, and I know I need the break.  Thanks to all who take the time to read this, and thanks to all of those who continually encourage and support me.  It means a lot!

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