Sunday, April 10, 2011

199 - My Evil Number - Update #2 - Week 2

Well, it has been a little over 2 weeks now since I started my new weight loss "program."  With moderate success, I weighed in last at 188.  I have lost 11 pounds in 2 weeks and I am almost halfway to my goal.  Since I don't always have the time to walk my 2 miles or get in my outdoor activities, I have decided to go the indoor DVD route.  I will soon be acquiring a workout DVD by my Favorite, Jillian Michaels, which I am looking forward to beginning.
I do realize that 11 pounds in 2 weeks IS a little fast for weight loss without it being a threat of coming back, so I am doing my best to adjust and change and slow it down a little.  In the last 2 weeks, I have had a "hamburger" twice.  I have pretty much removed bread and potatoes from my meal plans, and opted to go with more veggies, rice, and salads.  I do still eat meat, but mainly chicken and turkey, sometimes fish. 

I have not had a soda of any kind since March, 24th, and I can honestly say I don't miss it terribly.  This is coming from the guy that could drink a 2 liter Mt. Dew a day, if not more.  I have a lot of encouragement from friends and family, and I know that I can do this!  Thanks for reading, and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask - I will do my best to answer them, or find out a suitable answer for you!  Next weigh in will be on Thursday, April 14th.  Looking forward to some more positive results.  
In closing, I would like to share some of the thoughts Kristy shared with me:
1) Stop making excuses! JUST DO IT!
2) Set an exterior goal, and don't focus on the weight loss.
3) Do it for yourself, not for someone else.
4) Educate yourself!
- about the foods you eat, your own personal health, and what you can do for yourself.

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