Thursday, April 21, 2011

199 - My Evil Number - Update #3 -Week #4

So it has been almost a month since I started my crazy weight loss journey and change in eating habits. I still have had no soda, and now I really don't miss it.  I do have a tendency to walk to the soda case when i go in the store, but I just look, and then continue on to find my water, juice, or other drink.  Although I had great results the first week, I have slowed down on the weight loss as time progressed, but I have lost a total of 13 pounds in almost a month.  I am just over halfway to my goal weight - 175 lbs.

Kristy is still a great encouragement, and pushes me when I need it.  I have found several healthy alternatives to some of my favorite foods thanks to her guidance.  I eat a lot of fresh fruit, veggies, chicken, and turkey.  I may go to the store and spend an hour, and leave with only 4 or 5 things.  Reading labels is important - low sodium, fat, calories, and sugars.  I still use daily, almost religiously actually.  

I have started doing Jillian Michaels "Yoga Meltdown" with my neighbor Kimberly.  I find it to be tough and sometimes excruciating, but a very fulfilling workout all the same.  Kimberly is always fun to work out with, and we always push each other to make it through the video.  Thanks Kimmy!  In the meantime, we are waiting on my new DVD, Jillian Michaels "Ripped in 30."  It will bring both of us to a new place, and we are both excited about beginning the DVD.  

If I can ever be of help, or if you have any questions, always feel free to ask.  I will do the best I can to help you out.  (Kristy knows lots) lol.

1 comment:

  1. I can be contacted via my blog or twitter @kristyolds.

    Keep up the great work, Garry! Very proud of you!
