Sunday, April 10, 2011

199 - My Evil Number

March 24, 2011

This morning I stepped on the scale after I was awake and conscious enough to read the numbers.  Although it didn't tell me "One person at a time" or "Exceeded weight limit" I was thoroughly discouraged to see the big 199 pop up on the scales.  For years I ranged between 215 and 225 lbs.  I was there for over a year.  It wasn't until I became sick  that I was able to break the 200 lb point that I held at for so long.  Due to dieting and sickness, I had lost down to 185 and was content being there.  Granted, it wasn't my first weight loss choice, I was happy to be the 40 lbs thinner than I had been.  Once I broke the 200 mark, my goal weight then became 175.  That would be about what I weighed in middle school, if not less. 
I did the only logical thing.  I asked my friend Kristy what I needed to do to get back to where I had been and to get to where I wanted to be.  She recommended a great website, which I immediately went to and plugged in all the information it wanted.  It tracks your food intake - calories, carbs, fats, and proteins - and your exercise for every day.  Each day you input what you ate, how much, and it will do all of the calculating for you.  You tell it what kind of exercise you did and for how long, and it will figure out the calories you burned for the day.  It keeps a day by day track of everything you tell it.  So, I put in all of my info for the day, my 2 mile walk tonight, and it told me I was getting insufficient calories, which would kick my body into starvation mode and make it harder to lose the desired weight.  

Tomorrow I will give it a better go, and eventually get it adjusted to how it needs to be so that I can lose the desired weight.  In 5 weeks, I should be back down to 185 and in 10 weeks I should be at 175 - My Goal.  Yes, I have been told that I looked too thin, my face was skinny, I looked like a toothpick...but I was happy.  And it's not like I was anorexic or had an eating disorder.  

I guess my point in writing this, is to try and encourage others that may be feeling as I felt this morning, and to find the support and encouragement that I know my friends can give - not just to me, but to anyone with a goal like this.  The website I mentioned that I got from Kristy is:

You can find friends that are also on the site, and get updates on their progress as well, and keep each other inspired and motivated.  I will keep up to date postings about my progress just for anyone that is curious.  Thanks for reading!

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